Since Nick is on his way to some hardcore Russian Catholic wedding or something in Indiana and I have no one to IM with, I figured I'd attempt to kill the boredom by pretending to IM all day.
7:04 a.m. - Ahhh. Nice and quiet.
8:12 a.m. - Dude. Yeah? Ah know! Awesome! Word.
8:25 a.m. - My boss is out today and really I don’t feel like doing any work. This past week totally kicked my ass. Let’s pray for a nice relaxing day.
8:26 a.m. - I’m bored. This sucks.
9:15 a.m. - Hey, I actually managed to get some work done.
9:37 a.m. - Oooh, we just got three crank calls. It was a breather! Ew! I know! Who the F crank calls a law firm?
9:57 a.m. - Frick, I forgot my book! Maybe Randy can bring it by later.
10:11 a.m. - Just talked to Randy. He might bring me my book. Super.
10:27 a.m. - Time for some white-ass-milky-coffee. BRB.
10:55 a.m. - Oh man, WTF! Not Felicity! This totally sucks
11:01 a.m. - Damn, yo. Time to do some more work.
11:03 a.m. - I just checked my email for the 8th time today. Also, 7 people visited the blog so far. I think two of them were me. Meh.
11:09 a.m. - BRB. Copies.
11:13 a.m. - Ok, back.
11:14 a.m. - So Randy and I went to CPK last night and then we went to Coldstone for a shake. I am now a watermelon Jolly Rancher away from being a full blown diabetic. Speaking of...Randy’s mom bought us like 4 bags of defective Jelly Belly’s called “Belly Flops.” Yes, my ass just got a little bigger.
11:17 a.m. - Robert just IM’d me. He shaved off his beard last night because it made him look homeless. He also finds it’s funny that the girls have to work while the boys stay home. Not right.
11:22 a.m. - Stealth.
12:06 p.m. - Dude! They’re releasing a director’s cut of “Mulholland Drive” with extra scenes.
12:08 p.m. - Just kidding.
12:08 p.m. - Yeah, yeah. I know I suck.
12:19 p.m. - Look, I said I was sorry! God!
12:23 p.m. - You going to lunch? Cool. Okay then, ttyl.
12:51 p.m. - I’m going to bug Rossanna now.
12:58 p.m. - Oh man, she’s going for Greek food while I’m stuck at my desk eating old Wheat Thins and getting office butt. Quite tasty, though. The Wheat Thins, not office butt.
1:09 p.m. - Now I’m reading up on Mount Rushmore because I never really gave it much thought until this very moment of insane boredom.
1:10 p.m. - “Between 1927 and 1941, Gutzon Borglum and 400 workers sculpted the 60-foot busts of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln to represent the first 150 years of American history.”
1:11 p.m. - And.......scene!
1:23 p.m. - Sweet! Randy just brought me my book, my Entertainment Weekly and a power bar. I’m all set. He also kissed me with chap stick on. Yuck.
1:37 p.m. - Damn yo. Client on the phone.
2:19 p.m. - Email check.
2:25 p.m. - Blog check. 12 people. Meh again.
2:29 p.m. - All the movies coming out today totally suck. All the movies coming out period totally suck. Yeah, tell me about it.
2:32 p.m. - So, I watched like 15 minutes of “Kept” last night and I had to keep reminding myself to stop watching reality shows. Then I remembered that I have to set TiVo to record “The Princes of Malibu.”
2:32 p.m. - Billy Corgan is a pretentious little shit. Gross.
2:36 p.m. - Time to go back to reading “A Long Way Down.”
2:41 p.m - I hope to get really good at using “fuck-all.”
2:42 p.m. - Fuck All Attempt# 1: “If you think I’ve got fuck-all better to do with my time than sit here and pretend to IM, you’re bloody deluded! Piss off you shitty little wanker.”
3:19 p.m. - Dear Lord, make me a bird, so I can fly far; far, far away from here.
3:37 p.m. - Damn, I loves me some Photoshop.
3:41 p.m. - My dad just called. Our conversation lasted exactly 6 seconds.
4:08 p.m. - Guess I’ll give my mom a call.
4:19 p.m. - Dinner plans for tonight all set. Dinner plans for next Shabbat dinner next Friday all set too. Jewish moms rock.
4:31 p.m. - Current songs on OCD repeat: “Anthems For A Seventeen Year Old Girl” by Broken Social Scene and “Trolleywood” by Eisely. Awesome.
4:36 p.m. - I just did the robot.
4:38 p.m. - Blog check. 13 visitors. 0 comments. Boooo!
4:42 p.m. - Too bad the ceiling tiles don’t have holes to count like in high school.
4:45 p.m. - Fuck All Attempt #2: It would’ve been nice if my friends were on IM since I pretty much had fuck-all to do today.
4:48 p.m. - I’ve got 5 episodes of “Murphy Brown” and the two hour episode of “The Inside” on TiVo to catch up on. Rad.
4:52 p.m. - Never did end up reading my book. I suck.
4:53 p.m. - Time for me to fly. Have a nice weekend...ttyl...peace out.