Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Fear not, for we are back

Not that we ever really left -- I mean, we've been blogging pretty regularly (see below). But we acknowledge that it's been quite some time since we recorded a podcast. And it's really been quite some time since we recorded a podcast with just the two of us. Since we are clearly the most lovable (and, let's face it, sexiest) podcasting team in the universe, we can accept that it's been an act of cruelty to leave our audience hanging lo these many weeks.

But our unkind neglect ends tonight. We have plenty to talk about and our latest ramblings will be MP3-ized and uploaded by Thursday morning.

Now get off that 25th story window ledge (even though the WiFi signal to your laptop is probably really good up there) and get ready to spend some quality headphone time with us.


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