Top Model Makeover Episode: The Boring Continues
Okay Top Model, you’re officially starting to bore me. Isn’t it bad enough that Nick’s already jumped ship? Why do you want to validate his decision?
The make-over episode was less than spectacular. Actually, it was sort of a snore-fest. Anyway, to make things more interesting, I'm going to reference awesome movies to ease the pain of reliving it. I’ll keep it brief.
As usual, there was too much Tyra, the usual hair-cutting induced crying, a lame photo shoot and a super stupid challenge featuring Queen Latifah, which took place at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Downtown L.A.. Not surprisingly, I had my prom there about ten years ago. Thus, one can easily conclude that really boring things tend to happen there...unless, of course, you’re John Malkovich trying to assassinate the president of the United States or Clint Eastwood trying to stop that from happening.
Boring, blah, are some make-over pictures...
The actual photo shoot/concept was boring too...
Um, yeah?
Brooke totally channeled some Drop Dead Gorgeous (one of the best movies ever)...
By her own admission, Michelle channeled Toucan Sam. That's why we love Michelle. She calls them as she sees them.
Monique was a total cunt and I really hope that someday soon Anchal hobbles the crap out of her. The crazy ho even went so far as to pull some sort of nasty ass Miggs type body fluid flinging. Sadly, there was no Hannibal Lecter to talk her into swallowing her own tongue.
Also, seriously Top Model, this is not the cycle to be shying away from lesbians or anything remotely interesting at this point. I guess that's why the twins have to win. Anyway, they never actually mentioned the Megan/Michelle lesbian thing, but they’ve been subtly hinting. The show is supposed to eventually get around to it within the next few episodes. Seriously, the whole one straight/one gay twin thing is like the coolest pscho-sociological experiment. The man who marries Amanda will be very lucky indeed.
At any rate, in the end, Megan was booted over Jaeda, thus leaving Michelle to pick up the slack of corrupting the other girls.
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