Thursday, May 04, 2006

You Better Catch Me When I Fall, I'm On My Roller Skates

Back in 1993, a small San Francisco based band named "Jellyfish” followed up their debut album, “Bellybutton,” with what can quite possibly be the best CD you’ve never heard, aptly entitled “Spilt Milk.”

I actually owned “Spilt Milt” on tape before I even knew “Bellybutton” existed. The musical arrangements are brilliant, the sound is phenomenal, the lyrics are great and the entire album is comprised of one amazing song after another. In fact, I was so blown away by Spilt Milk , I never gave “Bellybutton” much of a chance. Seriously, it’s been sitting on my shelf for years, but I have no desire to listen to it.

The best physical attribute of that tape, other than the chubby tiara wearing freckled girl on the cover, was that it was pink. Yes, the actual tape was this Pepto-pink color, meaning that in the off chance it actually left my tape player, I could spot it on the bedroom floor from a mile away. Call me sentimental, but I actually still have the tape. It would’ve been sacrilegious to get rid of it just because I upgraded to CD.

Unfortunately, after touring to promote Spilt Milk, the band broke up supposedly due to artistic differences. Perhaps it is, as the saying goes, “better to burn out than fade away.”

If you’re feeling adventurous or just flat out smart, I strongly, highly, really, really, really recommend that you give Spilt Milk a shot. My favorite tracks are New Mistake, The Glutton Of Sympathy, The Ghost At Number One and Bye, Bye, Bye.


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