Monday, May 08, 2006

Is It Tuesday Yet?!

Okay kiddies, I've been slacking...but here's a UPN quickie if you're into that sort of thing.

America's Next Top Model

Shaving! Elephants! Thai Dancing! Hospitalizations! What doesn't this show cover?!!

Let's start by introducing some new vernacular for the week:

"Sara" - Noun, Adjective - Someone who tries to copy/copies someone else.

Scene: Friday night at Healthy Wok

Eti: I'll have kung pao tofu.
Nick: I'll have the same.
Eti: Why are you trying to Sara me?!

Okay, so this week the girls learned how to Thai dance, Joanie and Jade had some words over lunch, Danielle read the Bible, got sick, went to the hospital and discharged herself AMA, then joined the rest of the girl in the forest to shave (anyone else find this very odd?!!) and pose on an elephant. Joanie had some nice moments with an elephant, only to be jocked by Sara. But it was Furonda who ended up going home again and NOT Jade. WTF?!!

If you want to know how we at Pop Whore feel about Jade, watch the episode again and pay attention to the part where Joanie says that Jade just wafts bitch when she's near. But whatever. If Jade wins, she'll be the most hated winner in Top Model history, which is saying A LOT! Anyway, let's look at pictures...

Sara did have a pretty good picture, though:

But my heart belongs to Danielle and Joanie:

"Strangely" enough, they didn't use any of Joanie's really cool posed photos, but whatever. And Nick pointed out that Joanie now has a slight lisp due to her new Chiclets, hence endearing her to us more so than ever!

I also felt that it was time for Jade to get the boot, but of course she didn't. I don't even want to talk about it. I'm too excited for Veronica Mars tomorrow to even think.

Speaking of, on Thursday, we had a little chat with Furonda.

Furonda was super cool and chatty. She plugged, plugged, plugged away at her website. But props to her for being so pluggy. That and the fact that she's still doing work with KnowHiv and stuff. So we'll help her out; here it is:

I asked her about her experience on the set of VM. She said that the entire cast and crew were awesome and treated her very warmly. Hence, making me really, really, really want to go down to San Diego to visit the set.

Nick asked her if she had any good tiara stories. Furonda said that one of the most memorable was the one they showed, when Jade was making fun of her. Remember the whole, 'those are not even real diamonds with your broke ass crown?" Furonda was like, "yeah, silly me thinking they were real diamonds."

The conference call ended before I got a chance to ask her about her special one-fingered Thai massage. Ok, I'm lying. I was just too embarrassed to ask.

Anyway, Top Model...Wednesday. Oh and if you guys are interested, there's also this on Thursday. God, I love UPN promos!

I also want an elephant.

Veronica Mars


At this point, who the fuck knows what's going on with the 80 mysteries to even guess at a theory...but it's the best not-knowing what's going with the 80 mysteries to even guess at a theory EVER! But we do know that Clarence Wiedman and Lianne are back! Sweetness!

Here are some cute pictures to wet your already wet appetites:

I wish my graduation pictures were that cute! Seriously, stupid me didn't realize that you were supposed to iron your gown! Thus, all my graduation pictures feature me wearing the most wrinkled blue gown in the history of wrinkled graduation gowns. Good times.

Seriously though, tomorrow night of TV ever!

If you're not watching Veronica Mars by choice tomorrow night, YOU HAVE NO SOUL AND YOU EAT YOUR YOUNG! In other words, you're a fucking meter maid! Live with that!


At 5/24/2006 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gals look really hot on top model. Some shows that I have not had a chance to look at. ~ Harry - (Head Shaving)


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