Monday, August 01, 2005

Shut up, big Hollywood productions

Come to Los Angeles and they'll be filming stuff in your backyard! I think that used to be the pitch for moving out here, maybe back in the 40's or 50's. Now that the sheen has rubbed off, the latter-day version is more like "Come to fucking Los Angeles and they'll fucking be filming stuff in your fucking backyard." Or your fucking parking lot, in my case.

Last week it was this; today it's this. What do I want keeping me from being able to find a decent parking space when I come back from lunch: another paranoia-based "edgy" terrorism show, or another Adam Sandler movie? A few years ago I probably would have been excited to see the traditional yellow "CREW PARKING" signs taped to the lot entrance, and I would have wandered all around the area near base camp trying to find where they were actually filming. Now I don't much care. All I know is, the Adam Sandler movie has a lot more trucks and trailers and shit than the Showtime series.

And chances are good that they both suck. In the case of the Sandler movie, it's at least a little funny to consider that they're hauling out all these thousands of tons of machinery, tents, extras, security guys, and so forth every single day, to film in the vicinity of 2 pages of script. Because that's about how quickly movies like these are made, seriously.


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