Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I Need An Adult

Nick just put me in a bad place by playing to my ego while peer pressuring me to blog. Which is fine because I can handle bad places, so long as they’re not in my bathing suit area.

I work for a law firm and am currently ensconced in a very heady Motion writing session. Yesterday was a thirteen and a half hour day and I’m sure today won’t be any different. (Hence the lack of podcasting until Thursday night) So, if any of you ever need me to Oppose a Motion to Annul, I’m your girl. I suppose that’s why Nick said that I’m a girl (on some days more than others)...and mentioned that I’m “good at writing stuff.”

Nick and I decided to start Pop Whore because it seemed like the only natural extension of our sordid pop culture drenched conversations and IMs. After one too many “oh, man, we should’ve thought of that or done that,” we decided, no more! Or at least Nick decided and then forced my stubborn ass into it. I guess some people have therapy...others have Pop Whore.

So, if you’re a person who takes comfort in the fact your shitty day will only get better with some TiVo and iTunes, then welcome to our virtual shtetl of pop debauchery.

And speaking of caves, remember that episode of “Lost” where I ended up on the island and led Boone into one of the caves only to emerge like 5 hours later? Or was that the “too hot for TV” episode that ABC couldn’t air? Hmmmmm. Guess we'll have to wait for the DVDs.

But until then...check out the metacast and podcast

Waiting's a bitch, isn't it?!!


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