Friday, December 16, 2005

The first Pop Whore obituary

Very unfortunately, the veteran character actor John Spencer passed away today at the age of only 58. Most, if not all, of the obits running right now focus on his multi-Emmy-winning stint on The West Wing, but I really never watched that show. Instead, I'll always remember as FBI Director Womack in The Rock, which (despite its dubious claim to fame as the film that gave Michael Bay all the creative control he'd ever need) is still one of the best action movies of all time, in my humble opinion. Not exactly the kind of picture that would get a lot of mention on Inside the Actor's Studio (or maybe it would, these days), but it nonetheless gave Spencer the opportunity to exchange some heated expository banter with Phillip Baker Hall, then get thrown over the side of a building by Sean Connery and pulled back up by Nic Cage. (Two out of three ain't bad, right?)


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