4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 seasons of love
You guys! With Eti busy atoning today, we can talk about Lost! But we have to be really quiet, because she's not that far away and she might hear us.
Anyway, last night wasn't quite as bursting with plot as last week's installment, but we were thrown some crucial pieces of information nonetheless. For example, Hurley used to work at a fast-food chicken place before he won the lottery! No, wait, we already knew that. What we didn't know was that he used to work with D.J. Qualls at a fast-food chicken place. D.J. Qualls, people! Admit it, after being blown away by his nuanced work in The New Guy and Road Trip, you were on the edge of your seat waiting to see where he'd land next. If you were expecting "buddy comedy," you were right; if you were expecting "buddy comedy serving as an entertaining but relatively pointless B-story on Lost," you were even more right.
There were other notable guest stars, too. Starla, the cute record store clerk whom Hurley finally gets up the nerve to ask out, was played by none other than Marguerite Moreau, last seen being fought over by Seth and Zach during the second season of The O.C. No doubt, the fictional paycut she took by going from comic book executive chick to an indie music store chick was superseded by the real-life pay raise gained by moving up the network foodchain from Fox to ABC. Later in the episode we were also rewarded with the appearance of TV character actor Sam Anderson, veteran of dozens of shows but known to me mainly for (a) playing evil lawyer Holland Manners on Angel (in both dead and un-dead forms) and (b) playing the doctor who delivered Phoebe's triplets on Friends and was obsessed with Fonzie.
Other stuff happened too, but I'm sure there are other places to read about it. One question, though: if Hurley is really going to dynamite all the food, shouldn't he at least eat a lot of it first, since the explosion will erase all the evidence anyway? Those Apollo bars look mighty tasty. I'm just saying.
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