Wednesday, February 08, 2006

An Evening With Sarah Vowell

Please don't say "Who's that?" or I'll have to seriously kick your ass. For the rest who know and love her and thus escape my wrath, be assured that she did not disappoint. And I could say a lot more, but writing an essay about seeing Sarah Vowell is sort of like writing a guitar solo about a Jimi Hendrix concert. In other words: a little intimidating. Nonetheless, I will mention that she read one of the most hilarious passages of Assassination Vacation, followed by her recent New York Times op-ed column -- which, I'm willing to bet, is the only criticism of governmental ethics in that paper that manages to incorporate a shout-out to Television Without Pity.

After the readings came the Q&A session. Now, if you've ever been in a Q&A session before, you know how annoying it is when people ask moronic questions but the speaker tries really, really hard to treat each one as valid and intelligent. Fortunately, Sarah totally doesn't do this. She has no qualms about taking the piss out of people who ask dumb questions. Because she might seem petite and demure on the outside, but verbally she could kill you ten times before you hit the ground. And the best part: she'd do it very politely.

Now for the pictures. Most, if not all, of these were taken by Eti -- because she's the one with the photography skillz, and I was far too entranced to remember how to use the camera. By the way, if you're interested, here's a list of Sarah's upcoming appearances.


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